Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Quinoa... Mexican style

Ughh... and again, it has been awhile. I'm adjusting to my new life as a "single" person. I vow to be better in 2012 about blogging all my recipes and life stories.

While I miss J terribly, one nice thing about his absence is my ability to eat whatever I want. For the most part, he embraces my adventurous side when it comes to dinner (and leftovers the next day). However, there are a few things that no matter what I do- he just doesn't like them. For example, red peppers. I've tried raw, grilled, roasted, sauteed and every other which way you can think of. Pretty much unless I chop them up so tiny that it would be an inconvenience for him to pick out- he won't CHOOSE to eat them. Other items include, but are not limited to: most fish (ie salmon), uncooked veggies (tomatoes, onions, etc.), and beans (although, he seems to be coming around to them in certain formats). I have learned that if I fry some of these things (think fried green tomatoes)- he will eat them. But, who doesn't love something deep-fried and dipped in ranch? Which brings me to my recipe...

I have a new found love for quinoa (J actually likes quinoa). As I struggle to overcome my aversion to rice, I've found that quinoa is a nice baby step (if not a total replacement) towards healthier grains. And seeing as Mexican is my favorite type of food... I thought- why not combine the two? Also, I needed something light and veggie laden to help my body recoop from all the cookies and crap I've eaten in the last few weeks. Here goes:

Mexican Quinoa
(pulled and adapted from Food.com)
2 cups water
1 cup quinoa
1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
2 roma tomatoes
1 jalapeno (I used a large can since my store was out)
1 onion (I used yellow, but red or green could be subbed)
1 can black beans, washed and drained
1/2 tsp cumin
Fresh cilantro, chopped, to taste (I used a ton because I love cilantro)
1 cup salsa (can use more or less if you prefer)
Lime juice (I used the juice from two limes because I'm a fan of lime)
Salt and pepper, to taste
Queso fresco (optional)
Cholula (optional and to taste)

Combine water and quinoa in pot. 

Bring water to a boil, then simmer until the rings inside the grain begin to appear and there is no additional water left.

Meanwhile, chop red pepper, onion, tomatoes, jalapenos and cilantro. Drain and rinse black beans. Add all these ingredients to the bowl. It will be a beautiful array of colors...

Add in cooked quinoa, lime juice, salsa, salt, pepper and cumin.

I serve mine with some shredded Cacique queso freso and Cholula hot sauce- because I'm a hot sauce fiend.

This Mexican Quinoa is great by itself as a salad ( like I ate it today) or as a side to another Mexican favorite like enchiladas or Masa cakes (see below photo).