As the aspens begin to change... so has my life. It's been awhile since I've written- and that is mainly because of the HUGE life altering changes that have occurred in my life. Well ONE huge life altering change.
Jonathan has moved to Utah. Vernal, Utah. Vernal is 5.5 hours from Denver.
No we are not divorced, nor are we GETTING a divorce. But, he had an incredible job opportunity and we decided it made sense for him to take it. Being the long-distance relationship pros that we are, I am looking at this for what it is- temporary. He should be back in our house by this time in 2012.
Does it make the next 10-12 months of my life any easier? No.
But, it does give us a really great opportunity to explore the western part of Colorado and into the easter part of Utah- which I am very excited to do. (Did you know there is a place called Dinosaur, Colorado? Yep. There is.)
In the mean time- I will be residing in Denver, in the house that we own, with our dogs, just living life... cooking, reading a lot and working out.
As the cliche goes... when life hands you lemons, ask for a bottle of tequila! Or, may be it is make lemonade? I like the first option best. :o)
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