Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Vernal, Utah is weird.

More power to J for being able to live there. It wasn't so much the small town feel that turned me off (I did spend four years of my life in Clarion, Pa. people) as the people and the weird dinosaur statues.

NOTE: Vernal is located about 30 or so miles from Dinosaur, Colo. so while the statues make sense, it doesn't make them any less creepy.
NOTE 2: I tried my hardest to take photos of said statues while driving along the "main drag" in Vernal. I failed to do so.

About 40 miles outside of Vernal is the Flaming Gorge- very cool! I cannot wait to check out this place more in the summer- when it is warmer and there are no hunters!

In other news, I am now 25 years old. What does that mean? Well, now I can rent my own car without paying an additional million bucks a day. That's pretty much it.

J bought me a new board which I had been subtly hinting at for months. By subtly, I of course mean telling him nearly every day that a new board for my birthday would be much appreciated. BEHOLD... the Never Summer Infinity:

Isn't she beautiful? A Basin opens tomorrow and I am ready for a kick ass winter! Me and my new buddy up there will have tons of fun! May be someday soon I'll get to take my new buddy to Telluride...

Also, I am participating in a Rugged Maniac race this weekend. Wish me luck... This may very well be my last blog entry before death... :o)

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